

That house last night?? Not so much.. Nasty linoleum, the doors were white and the woodwork was oak, textured walls, small garage and a pantry the size of a tiny telephone booth.. ICK. It also made me appreciate how much work we did to clean our place, our closets at least look organized.

I've found something else I might want to take a look at..

Ceramic floors, dark cabinets, and new construction scream purchase me. We'll see if Jeff is interested, but honestly, I hope he is!

The other owners still aren't answering so I'm writing them off as well. Even if they counter offer at this point I'm not sure I'd give a hoot. Bad business is an easy way to never sell your house. Just saying.

The weather looks promising for our open house. When the sun is out our lawn looks extra green and our door looks extra red. Perfect way to make a sale! hahaha. I can dream can't I?

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