So I have a little garden that's not so small any longer. Last night I decided to use some veggies for our dinner! I wish I had taken a photo because it was pretty tasty. I used some of our tomatoes and a few of our serrano peppers to make a spicy pasta dish. Honestly, there is nothing like a home grown tomato.
I'm also growing some tomatillos. This plant has been incredibly invasive and I have a feeling I'll soon have more tomatillos than recipes for them. It's a really neat plant to look at though. I love the little lanterns.
Spicy Tomato Pasta
2 Large tomatoes cut into large pieces
2-4 servings of Spaghetti
4 Serrano Peppers sliced thinly
2 garlic cloves minced
Olive Oil
1 lb of Turkey Sausage
Sautee peppers in 1 tbl of olive oil for about 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and let cook until slightly soft. Crush tomatoes with the back of a spoon. Add garlic and salt and pepper to taste. In another pan cook sausage until it's almost browned. Add the tomato mixture and let stew together until meat is completely browned. Boil spaghetti according to package instructions. Mix together and add more salt and pepper if desired, also mix in a little more olive oil to taste.
I found that this wasn't quite as spicy as I wanted it. If that's the case for you, add some chili flake until it has just the right amount of heat! Enjoy
I like the Kansas tray in your Etsy favorites. Seven dollars is CHEAP!
I saw the same one in the antique mall! I think it was about the same price. I forgot to look for it today when I went back. Oops.
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